Internal Security
Closed testing – internal audit
We make the inner team of testers and auditors inspect the quality of work code as purely as possible to make sure that there are no backdoors.
High requirements for the team professionalism
We engage only reputable teams of developers with relevant work experience.
Peer Review
We invite DeFi, cryptography and blockchain professionals and experts, to review the changes being made. Each update must be reviewed by an independent expert to exclude design errors.
Closed user testing of new functions
Any user can be a member of an independent group of testers and be the first to get access to tested, new project features. All the identified malfunctions will be fairly paid from the Bug Bounty Fund.
The Bug Bounty Fund is used to reward a team of testers and independent hackers for identified vulnerabilities, errors in code mechanics and inefficiencies, program code errors of one of the project's modules.
We offer from 10 USD in $8F for a detected typo in the text on the site, up to 1,000,000 USD in $8F for critical errors threatening the project's existence.
Open Source orientation
We are for top transparency of our project, including our code transparency. We use proven Open Source developments and also actively share our innovations on Open Source sites for public independent audit and testing, copying and distribution of high-quality ideas and code.
No migration code
We choose secure DeFi! Funds for staking and farming will always belong to you. We have no migration code: no one will be able to withdraw funds from the account except the user.
Timelock for changing
All the changes related to a smart contract go through a 72 hours timelock before entry into effect. Timelock countdown begins after the code has already passed an internal audit, external auditor's check, and has been tested together with the test team. Only after that, at the last stage the update code becomes open for public verification. Within the 72 hours timelock anyone will have the opportunity to verify the safety and reliability of the code and timely report potential problems to us and the community.
Last updated